Playcentre is about fun, quality early childhood education and learning alongside our children. We believe parents/whanau are the first and best educators of their children.
Based in Havelock North on the corner of Porter Drive and Donnelly Street, extra parking end of Cooper street.
Running 4 mixed aged sessions for birth to 6 year olds (9:15am-12:15pm) Monday -Thursday with a Whānau Session 3:30pm-6:30 during the summer terms 1&4 where we have dinner and allow all whānau to come together.
We have a large outdoor area and take advantage of the Hawke’s Bay climate and plant and grow various fruit and vegetables. Inside has many resources for all the tamariki.
3 FREE VISITS, termly donations of $30 per term, per family
Come and visit on session anytime, no need to book a time but you’re always welcome to get in contact if you have any questions.